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Leadership Corgan

On Saturday, May 7th,  Corgan and their 2016 Leadership Class partnered with Texas Ramps to build 5 ramps in Dallas County. Each member of the 30 members submitted a charity for the team to support prior to their graduation in June from their 9 month program. Of the 30 options presented, Texas Ramps was chosen unanimously!

This build project was the culmination of planning that started at the beginning of March with a meeting with the Cogan leadership class. Gary Stopani of the Texas Ramp Project (TRP) presented a video and fielded questions.

Leading up to the build, some of their employees came to our Saturday builds to familiarize themselves and also be able to assist on their build day.

In conjunction with volunteering, the class also began a fundraising campaign. Over the course of 6 weeks, they raised $12,277.75 through internal fund raisers (breakfast tacos and jean Friday) and externally through business partners.

Leadership Corgan is a key part of Corgan’s Leadership Development Program. Started in 2003, the program introduces rising leaders in the firm to community and business leaders, and focuses on the importance of Servant Leadership and giving back to our communities. The program educates class members on Gallup’s strengths-based leadership philosophy and equips class members with the tools to lead, create and innovate utilizing their strengths.

Read more at:

Many thanks Corgan and the Texas Ramp Project team leaders (Jim Hoffmans, Don Emmerich, Keith Rowe, Lori Brewster, Bill Cafiero, Steve Klein) who helped make this day successful.

© 2020 The New Mexico Ramp Project
A 501(c)(3) Non-profit Corporation.