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San Angelo Standard Times

By Staff Report
Published September 16, 2016

Volunteers from the San Angelo Police Department, Atmos Energy, The Life Church, Tapia Construction, Goodfellow Air Force Base firefighters, Frontier Communications and Angelo State University’s Honors Student Association will join forces to construct ramps for the elderly or disabled.

The project, a one-day-blitz set for Saturday, aims to empower individuals with the freedom and accessibility to enjoy activities outside their homes.

The Texas Ramp Project uses community volunteers throughout Texas to give low-income elderly or disabled people the independence for a better quality of life.

Breakfast will be provided to blitz volunteers courtesy of Diego’s Burritos, Walmart and The Dazzling Dames.

Call 325-660-1778 or 325-227-7802 for more information.

[link to original article]

© 2020 The New Mexico Ramp Project
A 501(c)(3) Non-profit Corporation.